15 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Some Things you should know before opening or creating an offshore bank account

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Things you should know before opening or creating an offshore bank account: There are a few things you should know before you open an offshore bank account things that can save you time and frustration. The following Six facts and good offshore banking offers a useful starting point for the process of INSIGHT.

Opening an offshore bank puts your money out of harms way. If you had $ 10,000 in an offshore account in your own government does not siphon automatically post. And if you use online banking in a place where there is no tax on interest, so that your money grows more quickly, without keeping the tax is applied to the source of an offshore bank account gives you more financial privacy is a big demand in this world. more and more regulated. So there is flexibility that comes from more than one bank account, more than one country. This strategy allows you to hedge your bets and keep your cash in dispersed locations.

Select your Jurisdiction Wisely: Not all jurisdictions (countries) are equal. Each bank is subject to the laws of the country it is licensed to operate in. It is also regulated by a host of internationally relevant financial supervisory rules. While some typical offshore tax havens appear ideal as banking jurisdictions, the truth is that often they are not - precisely because they have been or are being corrected in one way or another by anti-money laundering laws or other financial restrictions on how they gestures business. You do not want to end up in the middle of such an economic conflict.

Another factor to consider is the geographic area where the bank operates and any information sharing treaties or tax collection agreements between countries in this area. Where you currently live in the world affects how you can bank offshore. For remember, offshore simply means a place other than where you currently live.

The Truth About confidentiality and anonymity: Swiss banking has always been held up as the pinnacle of banking privacy, and that hardly applies - even if they are under increasing pressure to comply with international norms. The Swiss, however, have an interest in maintaining their USP  that provides the most secure and private banking in the world. But privacy in an offshore bank is conditional. Most offshore banks will be subject to the protection of privacy measures which may include such things as it is illegal for a bank employee to disclose the details of the client's financial affairs. However, these laws are usually violated by the presentation of a court order issued on the basis of suspicion of criminal activity.

It is all very well for those of us who are not criminals, and usually means that our privacy is pretty well secured. The problem is the definition of the word crime. It is known that certain banking jurisdictions now have succumbed to pressure to include tax evasion as a criminal offense - meaning that your account information may be disclosed during such a claim if a part of a court order from another country. So you might as well accept the fact that really bulletproof private banking is hard to come by - and anonymous bank is a thing of the past.

The effect of KYC and FATF: Offshore banking has become a much more restrictive since nine / eleven - as the U.S. enforces strict regulations aimed at combating, as regards money laundering. This catchall approach means that straight-up, honest people find themselves forced to jump through hoops just to get started. Unfortunately, there seems to be no end in sight to this process - so all you can do is bite the bullet and continue.

Once you apply to open an offshore bank account, you will immediately feel the consequences of KYC  regulations. Banks have a way to make this claim sounds as if it's in your best interest, but it's just them trying to sweeten a bitter pill. In reality, the bank will want to know more about you than they would have a couple of years back. They want not only to sight your valid ID, proof of address and business, banking or personal references, but they also want to know what you are doing and what type of account activity to expect.

What you need to open an offshore bank account: Opening an offshore bank account does not have to be traumatic - if you know what they can expect and what you are in for. You need to carefully consider your financial needs. Want a personal or corporate account? In most cases, a personal account is sufficient - and are usually easier to open. Some offshore banks will only open business accounts in person - not on the internet or by mail.

Of course you must have a valid passport, and will have to get it notarized by a notary . This process involves making an appointment with the notary and have him sight your passport, and then make a copy and add his Notary seal and signature, as he personally viewed your passport. You also need one or two utility bills as proof of residence.

The good news is once you have been through the mill and opened your account, you will find the bank  will keep your business and keep you happy.

This is where the desire and need for a full-blown credit card comes in. But because of rules set by Visa and MasterCard International - these cards are usually available only to residents of the country the bank operates from. So, for example, if you have a bank account in an offshore jurisdiction, their Visa cards only be available to local residents - not you.

Facts on Offshore Credit Cards: Most offshore banks will readily offer you a debit card - you know, an ordinary debit card that you have from your home bank. These are usually Cirrus and Maestro branded, even in the EURO countries Visa Electron is very popular. Now, while these cards are very useful if the main function (when issued by an offshore bank) is to withdraw money from ATMs.

A good alternative is a Visa or MasterCard debit card - which is directly linked to your offshore bank account. When you spend money using it, are the funds immediately withdrawn from your current account. You can not get credit with this card, but you get full Visa and MasterCard functionality when you travel abroad - as Hotel check-ins, airline reservations, etc. These types of cards are not readily available offshore, but a couple of large offshore banks issue them their international customers.

Advantages of accounts in different currencies: One of the advantages of banking offshore is the ready availability of multi-currency accounts - where you can open more than one account in the same bank, each denominated in another currency. Now, why would you want to do it? The answer is simple - for hedging. In this volatile currencies in the world is always changing value. And as I write this, the USD is considered to be a downward trend in value over time.

Most offshore banks that provide multiple currency accounts will allow you to move funds quite easily between them, and when you want it. So if you have a significant amount of cash on deposit, then spreading your cash risk by holding different currencies is a sound financial decision - one made a lot easier by having an offshore bank account.

Posted in: You should know before opening an offshore bank account

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